          亞洲跆拳道聯盟正式聲明,非同小可 放大 亞跆聯盟正式聲明,非同小可 【Comment】 亞跆聯盟網頁被駭,轉貼自簡體字部落格。 請注意聯盟在官 烤肉食材方聲明中用了大量情緒性字眼:shocking與deception等等,是臆測與煽情之作! 而且正式要求跆拳道協會做出 票貼適當處罰。*The Chinese Taipei Taekwondo Association and its officials to be investigated further by the WTF Ethics Committee 房屋買賣and the proper punishment be handed down for the incident to stop any future attempts to manipulate the WTF Competition Rules & Regulations. 關鍵字廣告 我猜最糟的情形是禁止中華台北(的跆拳隊員)未來所有的出賽。 也請注意,這聲明與現場轉播影片不合。 室內設計H%29 Shocking Act of Deception by Chinese TaipeiIn an amazing turn of events a Chinese Taipei player tried to pull a fast one over the taekwondo worldThe match started with everything seeming 酒店兼職ly as normal as it should in the first 45 seconds of the first round until the engineer from Manufacturer of the Protective Scoring System (PSS), La Just, saw something unusual about the way the Chinese Taipei 結婚西裝 player was scoring and the look of her socks.At this point he asked the center referee to stop the match to check the special socks that are worn by all the players when using the electronic system.As requested by the engineer, the referee stop 商務中心ped the match to check the player's socks when he noticed that the Chinese Taipei player had illegally added 2 extra sensors to the heal of her socks.*The Chinese Taipei player, coaches to be banned until their case is heard by the World Taekwondo Federa 酒店打工tion Ethics Committee.。。。。。*The Chinese Taipei Taekwondo Association and its officials to be investigated further by the WTF Ethics Committee and the proper punishment be handed down for the incident to stop any future attempts to manipulate the WTF Competition Rules & Regulations. 裝潢  .

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